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My latest `serverfull` deployment:

܁ DigitalOcean droplet(s) with Docker service preinstalled.

܁ All services are running with docker-compose.

܁ Managed Postgresql and spaces for storage.

܁ Cloudflare free tier and their `tunnel` product as a reverse proxy into your docker-compose network is super useful.

܁ Github actions and container registry to compile and sync container images. We have staging/production environments. Some GitHub actions run idempotent Bash scripts to prepare droplets.

܁ Shameless plug, I am up for hire.

Thanks. I have only recently become aware of the Cloudfare tunnels. What's your use case for running them exactly?

you can run a tunnel client on any server and as long as the server has outbound internet access, you can publicly access this server via Cloudflare controlled domain. You can also have standard CloudFlare perks in this way such as CDN and rewrite rules. You don't need to have a reverse proxy server, no need to rely on static IPs or inbound firewall rules in the data center. So you can freely create and destroy droplets they can have different IPs each time.

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