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> I don't think crossing cache lines is particularly much of a concern?

It is a concern if a branch prediction has failed, and the current cache line has to be discarded or has been invalidated. If the instruction crosses the cache line boundary, both lines have to be discarded. For a high-performance CPU core, it is a significant and, most importantly, unnecessary performance penalty. It is not a concern for a microcontroller or a low power design, though.

Why does an instruction crossing cache lines have anything to do with invalidation/discarding? RISC-V doesn't require instruction cache coherency so the core doesn't have much restriction on behavior if the line was modified, so all restrictions go to just explicit synchronization instructions. And if you have multiple instructions in the pipeline, you'll likely already have instructions from multiple cache lines anyways. I don't understand what "current cache line" even entails in the context of a misprediction, where the entire nature of the problem is that you did not have any idea where to run code from, and thus shouldn't know of any related cache lines.

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