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> It hasn't had a war on it's territory since the Civil War.

    American Civil War (April 12, 1861 – May 26, 1865)

    Black Hawk's War (1865–72)
    Red Cloud's War (1866–68)
    Comanche campaign (1867–75)
    Modoc War (1872–73)
    Red River War (1874–75)
    Great Sioux War of 1876 (1876–77)
    .... 10 more ....
    Ghost Dance War (1890–91)

    Crazy Snake Rebellion (1909)
    New Mexico Navajo War (1913)
    Bluff War (1914–15)
    Colorado Paiute War (1915)
    Posey War (1923)

Calling any of those "wars" is a stretch when casualties were mostly in the single digits.

Take it up with the US historians that call these wars.

    Red Cloud's War consisted mostly of constant small-scale Indian raids and attacks on the soldiers and civilians at the three forts in the Powder River country, wearing down those garrisons.

    The largest action of the war, the Fetterman Fight (with 81 men killed on the U.S. side), was the worst military defeat suffered by the U.S. on the Great Plains until the Battle of the Little Bighorn in the Crow Indian reservation ten years later.

My point still holds, there was nothing as threatening investments as WWI, WWII, Yugoslavian wars, Russo-Ukrainian war, no coups or revolutions.

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