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Of course there is an incentive. You get to reap social capital and get high on your own perceived holiness. Do you think someone like Norman Finkelstein would be so popular if he wasn't a Jew? Or Candace Owens black?

Where in the world (outside Gaza) does explicitly supporting Hamas (as opposed to opposing war crimes) "reap social capital"?

Are you naive, or acting in bad faith?

The Muslim world. People like Finkelstein are treated like celebrities in Qatar.

Leftist circles, like the student protesters we like talking about. Have you not heard "this is what decolonization looks like"? Why do you think many lefties refuse to condemn Hamas?

The anti-west/anti-american masses. This is the perfect opportunity for Russians and Chinese to undermine the west by promoting token whities, like Jackson Hinkle.

These are often all the same person.

Edit: Not to mention the growing undercurrents of antisemitism in western countries from the right wing and other minorities.

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