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I have no idea why Gnome keeps on insisting on breaking expectations. From the shell as a whole to the widgets and even the window titlebars they seem to insist on being different for the sake of being different.

Because their choices are better, at least for some of us. Users who prefer the traditional desktop paradigm have a wealth of alternative DEs to choose from.

I suppose my brutally minimalist Sway config with barely there titlebars and a skinny little status bar and not an icon, button, or widget in sight doesn't give me great standing to call for a respect of conventions.

I suppose I should say I found Gnomes luridly chunky decorations and widgets to be personally offensive.

What widgets? Gnome has just the one black bar at the top.

And it's a thick monster with all kinds of extra crap (I'm my not so humble opinion) shoved in it.

It literally has an activities button, the time and date, and a tiny button for interacting with settings on the right.

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