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It lets you separate "here is the final state of the system that I want" from "how to get there".

If a SQL compiler or `terraform plan` command can convert "the current state of the system" + "desired end-state" to a series of steps that constitute "how to get there from here", then I can usually just move forward to declaring more desired states after that, or debugging something else, etc. Let the computer do the routine calculations.

When using a path-finding / route-finding tool, having the map and some basic pathfinding algorithms already programmed in means we no longer need to "pop a candidate route-segment off the list of candidates and evaluate the new route cost"... I simply observe that I am "probably here" and I wish to get to "there"; propose a route and if it's good enough I'll instruct the machine to do that.

If I can declare that I want the final system to contain only the folder "/stuff/config.yaml" with permissions 700 -- I don't care what the contents of stuff were previously, and if it had a million temp files in it from an install going sideways or the wrong permissions or a thousand nested folders in it, well, it would be great if the silly computer had a branching workflow that detected and fixed that for me, rather than me having to write yet another one-off script to clean up yet another silly mis-configured system that Bob left as a dumping ground that I have to write yet more brittle bizarre-situation-handling code for.

Same for SQL and data. "Look, Mr. Database, I don't actually know what's in the table today, and I don't know why the previous user dumped a million unrelated rows in the table.... Can you answer my query about if my package has shipped, or not?"

It sounds like you need a shim between every single dependency to make its setup work declaratively. That sounds like a versioning nightmare to rely on and was borne out in my experience with it.

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