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Please elaborate?

I’ve heard feedback in this thread that I’m being mathematically abstruse, and that I’m being controversial or inflammatory or something.

I’m paying attention, but we are talking about a giant neural network trained by my friends and former colleagues at FAIR based mostly out of FBNY where I used to go every day, so, I’ll contend there’s some math involved: this is a topic for people who make a serious priority out of it these days.

The controversial piece no one is coming right out and saying, I think it’s my “fuck @sama” refrain.

Though how something that’s a meme on YouTube channels about typescript is a bigger topic than finally giving Emmy Nother her props (if she’d been a man she’d be far more famous than e.g. Heisenberg) eludes me.

I’m saying that an iconic mathematician and physicist deprived of her rightful place in history had it right, and once crooks like “Fired for Fraud Repeatedly” Altman and Madame Su are out of the picture, we might re-learn what she taught us.

On reflection? Fuck you, you’re annoying, ignorant, and a shill if your comments are anything to go by.

Yeah like I said you're really annoying

You could have learned something.

Instead we all wasted memory remembering that twice.

I plan to forget your username. I hope I never have cause to remember it.

Ronin, masterless. There’s no one to call me to heel if I take a dislike.


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