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Was there any thought to perhaps do a version with an agent? I really like how fast Saltstack can be as compared to Ansible.

I've been using my own homegrown project that does just this - Python roles, server/client, Mako templates: https://github.com/mattbillenstein/salty

It's very very fast to do deploys on long-lived infrastructure, but it hasn't been optimized for large clusters yet; I expect the server process will be a bottleneck with many clients, but still probably faster than Ansible for most setups.

pyinfra supports executing on the local machine (@local connector: https://docs.pyinfra.com/en/2.x/connectors/local.html). If you store the operation files on the machine that’s basically an agent when executed just without a periodic check for other changes. Adding a mode to do that in a loop would be pretty trivial..

Yeah, I'm talking more about RPC - the server sends a command to the agent - the agent does a thing and returns a response. There's no external sync of the command and given a long-lived connection - client/server what you will - this can all be completed in milliseconds with no new-connection overhead.

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