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If you were rich, which companies would you buy?
2 points by ismailsevik 4 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 8 comments
If you were very rich, which companies would you buy? I would initially buy Blogger, Google Workspace, Pocket, Google Podcasts, Artifact, and The Verge.

The only one of these that is a company, is Artifact.

  - Blogger, bought by google 2003[0]
  - Google Workspace, a product by Google
  - Pocket, a product by Mozilla
  - Google Podcasts, a former product by Google
  - Artifact, possibly the reason for your post[1]
  - The Verge, a product by Vox
[0]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blogger_(service) [1]: https://paulgraham.com/submarine.html

I will buy from them.

It's more than likely that one of my purchases would be a low tier football club which allows me to play Football Manager in real life.

I'm rooting for you to get rich so you can buy The Verge and change that ridiculously terrible condensed font they use for the lead headlines.

I don't understand how Nilay Patel goes a single day without being introduced to someone who says "Oh yeah, I love The Verge! But, I want to be forthright here... that font."

I would edit that font for you.

it's hard to buy a company without hurting it.

You take away agency, and the "special sauce" people may cash out.

You mean, in order to shut them down?

No, to develop it according to my own taste.

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