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Considering the 4th edition of "Expert Systems: Principles and Programming" (The original book on CLIPS) is going for $300 at amazon, you are offering a good alternative.

I worked with Gary Riley and Joe Giarratano at JSC in the mid 80s when CLIPS was in heavy development. Joe had the unique ability to teach very technical topics with a special brand of humor.

Knowing CLIPs got me my first job in Silicon Valley / Los Altos in '88. Thanks Gary!

Here is a cheaper version: https://archive.org/details/expertsystemspri4thegiar

and here is also the most recent CLIPS tutorial by Riley available for a good price: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09ZCL2VMM/

The same has happened to "LISP Lore: A Guide to Programming the LISP Machine", $668 for the hardcover version!


The rest of the books are enough:


Wow! That must have been an incredible work environment.

I've got both the 4th edition and Adventures in Rule-Based Programming sitting in front of me now.

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