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It's what artists do to lie to themselves so their entire life doesn't seem like a waste of time. I went from music to tech. Art is full of completely delusional hacks.

I assure you that your life in tech, waging for a boss, is a waste of time.

Nah, steady paycheck, health insurance, don't need roommates, can afford the nicer things in life. Gigging and touring is fun in your 20s, but starts to drain you. This is much better.

I mean, that does sound like something someone who switched from music to tech would say, but it’s also a little true.

I made a career out of it and made it to regional status. If you want to pay your bills, you need to hit national level or teach music. It's a fucking grind and you naturally age out.

I've been watching one of my friends keep on pushing at the grind and it looks super gruelling, he's been drifting from programming to running the mixer board at a lot of local shows and it's impossible to hook up with him to hang out any more. I dunno how he does it.

Hey good job man.

Tech is also full of delusional hacks. You find them everywhere. Delusional hack artists are more fun.

I'd rather hang with people that have a rudimentary idea of logic than talk about karma, auras, moon phases, vibrations, and energy. It seems to come from a good place but it's fucking exhausting.

You and I know very different artists. "Logical" people have their woo, too.

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