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This will tie nicely into my favorite way to deploy services these days:

1. Use PyInfra to set up Docker and Tailscale on remote hosts and any other setup. Open the Docker port to your Tailnet.

2. Use the Docker provider for Terraform to set up and manage containers on those hosts from your dev machine or from a CI/CD tool. Tailscale allows containers on different machines to communicate privately, or you can open a port to the web.

This makes for such an easy-to-use and bulletproof setup. In the past I would have used Kubernetes but I've come to realize that's overkill for anything I do and way harder to debug.

This kind of setup is a nice improvement over golden images with a lot of the benefits. Application setup, upgrades, and rollback become much easier when the whole app is packaged together and has its own copy of dependencies.

You can also throw in systemd units for Docker or Podman. I usually create a small shell script that pulls, removes any old container, then runs a new container with correct args in the foreground and toss that in a simple systemd unit

is there a blog post or github repo with more info on how you do this?

No but I'll think about writing one up!

Why not go for headscale?

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