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I mean Python has your back with static type hints. While Python's type system isn't the most powerful in terms of expressiveness -- TypeScript is stronger, Go is weaker, it's more than capable enough for a config management system.

Emphasis on hints.

And my point is that it can be way too capable.

I guess the fact that they're hints doesn't really bother me when you're doing static analysis. You can have strong typing with a weak type system like C and Go where the types will be rigidly enforced but they're also not expressive. There end up being lots of things you can't express in the type system which leads you to do things like void* or `any` with manual casting.

But a fully type-hinted Python codebase is extremely expressive, the times where you have to opt-out of the type system is much much rarer and the types you end up writing are much more specific so you get stronger guarantees. It's not without downsides but I don't think it's "because they're hints you can't trust them" since lots of languages erase their types on compilation.

I am not elbow deep into Python ecosystem, but how many python code bases are fully type-hinted?

Maybe I am overlooking because I am not a pythonista, but when looking at this code [1] I see only some superficial hints. Looking at `_make_command`, I need to look inside the body to see that the first argument is expected (?) to be callable (it just ignores otherwise).


1. https://github.com/pyinfra-dev/pyinfra/blob/3.x/pyinfra/api/...

It's definitely still in the minority, but you're seeing a _lot_ more newer projects adopting consistent, ubiquitous type hints.

To your point though, the `_make_command` method here is not setting hints in its arguments. I'm not super familiar if this is considered "fine" in a pydantic world, as I found for my usage, native python type hints were more than fine to make my code more usable and safer. Based on the code though, it seems like there are cases where the `command_attribute` is not a callable. What I don't understand is why this isn't hinted as a Union of Callable and whatever other types it could receive. I'd have to spend more than 3 minutes looking at the code base to understand how it's used to get a stronger idea here.

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