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Let's assume for a moment that it is lower risk than sudo (which is the problem is it addressing), why isn't it also called 'sudo', designed to behave the same as the thing it is replacing, so that anyone (and any scripts) that currently use sudo can carry on and be oblivious to the security benefits this new implementation offers?

I'd instead like to see a post saying something like 'on systemd based systems, a more secure implementation of sudo is provided', and all the clever whatever it is happens behind the scenes, and frankly i'll never need to know about it.

Presumably because it uses different options and other different stuff, it has a different name. However, it might be useful to have a command "sudo" which emulates the options of sudo so that you can still use the same "sudo" command on systemd-based systems as well as on non-systemd-based systems. I don't really know how well that would work, though.

Maybe you've not understood. I'm asking, why does it have different options? Is there a reason for that? If not, make it compatible, so a drop in replacement. Otherwise we're just spamming new commands at people, and the old sudo will probably end up living on alongside the new on systemd based systems just to keep scripts and the like working.

calling it sudo would create the expectations that all the options, config, and usage is exactly the same.

It would appear that it's _functionally_ the same, but using a different mechanism and with a new name so they don't want to be locked down to all the other stuff.

Because there already is jq-go and jq-python. One of them is called jq in linux the other is called jq in MacOS. They are not compatible and you find out you're using the other one after 6 hours of screaming at the computer.

alias sudo="run0"

If run0 supports the same flags and parameters they'll be interchangeable with just an alias.

I thought this was a security fix? Let's say I find a problem in ssh, I don't update it, call it 'newssh' and tell people to use an alias to point ssh to newssh do i? I just fix the app.

It's a non-trivial security fix with an entirely new architecture.

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