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It's moving to schedule III, though the new company it's in really highlights how it should be descheduled instead:

> It moves pot to Schedule III, alongside ketamine and some anabolic steroids

Hopefully the first step but not the last.

At least according to one study, cannabis does slightly more harm than both of those, although that harm is still tiny compared to that done by alcohol. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/285843262_Drug_harm...

They do score ketamine higher than cannabis in "harm to user", but cannabis has a much higher "harm to others" score.

sure, marijuana shouldn't be considered 100% harmless, but it's ludicrous to argue it does the same amount of damage to people's bodies as ketamine (abuse can lead to kidney failure, bladder cystectomy) or even some sched. IV substances such as alprazolam (seizures from withdrawal can be fatal).

As someone who has taken ketamine for medical purposes and marijuana for not, it is utterly off-the-charts bonkers that they are classified identically.

A large dose of ketamine literally disconnects yourself from reality. Weed makes you tired.

You think a large dose of weed to someone who's not used to it just makes them tired?

It might make you high, but it won't kill you. It won't even harm you.

Why should subjective effects direct the scheduling of these drugs?

What should they be based on?

Actual harm, I think. I know that Ketamine has harm potential, but it's my impression that the physical harm only occurs with long term binge use, and that immediate physical harm due to overdose is unlikely. That the subjective effects during use are very powerful and overwhelming is not and should not be relevant, I think.

Benzo addiction is very dangerous. Withdrawal can lead to life threatening or altering outcomes. I have a hard time understanding what property the scheduling is based on

Naturally occurring human hormones should not be scheduled at all, they should be available over the counter to anyone over 18.

So now it is de-jure easier to get than ADHD meds instead of just de-facto easier.

Seems reasonable, considering the abuse potential is worse with things like Adderall than cannabis.

Ah, good catch. Yeah, I'll take the progress even if it's not exactly where I'd like policy to be ultimately.

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