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so, it's Ansible...?

Configuration Management tools (that's what this, and Ansible, are) are a nice idea, but get very complicated very quickly. The tools themselves get complicated, the configuration gets complicated, you're constantly finding ways that the state gets broken that you need to re-incorporate into your script, it has to work in a variety of states, and you have to keep re-running and re-running and re-running it, monitoring for problems, investigating, fixing. Very complex, lots of maintenance, lots of potential problems. The "Pets" model from the phrase "Cattle, not Pets." I strongly recommend you do not raise Pets.

Instead, use Immutable Infrastructure: build an immutable image one time that works one way. Deploy that image. If you need to change it, change the build script, build a new image (with a new version), deploy a new instance with the new image, take the old one out back and shoot it. (The "Cattle" of "Cattle, not Pets") If the state gets out of whack or there are problems, just shoot it and deploy a new one that you know works.

This is the single most revolutionary concept i've seen in over 20 years of doing this job. It is an absolute game-changer. I would not go back to Configuration Management for all the tea in China.

You're conflating different things - this has nothing to do with Pet vs cattle.

Even in your confusion, State still exists in the real world and needs to live somewhere, it also is unfeasible to always recreate big states.

This happens so often on HN, and it is so god damn frustrating. I'm literally a fucking expert, telling you the best thing to do, and explain why, and I get downvoted for it. The next person who tells me in a comment "explain your opinion! you're not helping!" when I don't write an entire novel to justify my position, I'm going to link back to this thread. Pointless.

I've gone to the trouble of googling these articles for you (it took me a whole 30 seconds!). Please read any of them.



















Maybe you're not the only expert in HN ? For someone to write what you wrote after 20y of experience is a bit interesting - and you did write a lot !

I might have more YOE than you do for example, and might have worked on bigger companies/infras than you did - what does it matter to the opinion at hand ?

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