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OP did not openly endorse flat earth or suggest lizard people run the world. Speculation about tech that is at the center of geo-political tensions is bound to happen and it's only natural to question if government pressure is at play.

The US has already enacted GPU bans and investigated and killed technology transfer deals. The US Commerce Department just this month is "working to review potential risks and assess whether there are appropriate actions under Commerce authorities that could effectively address any potential concerns" with regards to RISC_V. [1] That's the same department that pressured AMD to lower performance on China products before refusing to gran them an export license.

[1] https://www.theregister.com/2024/04/24/us_commerce_china_ris...

What makes something a conspiracy theory is that it ignores simple explanations in favor of something untestable and perfectly concealed. In this case we have a very simple explanation which is highly parsimonious - Google doesn’t see a business benefit yet from committing support – but we’re being asked to believe that instead the men in black visited Google to sabotage China by … not supporting an architecture which China doesn’t depend on and could easily support on their own if they did?

Your reference to other actions undercuts your argument: when the US government has acted in the past, it has generally done so officially – not the CIA subverting Crypto-AG, but Commerce using market pressure openly. I wouldn’t say it’s impossible that they could act behind the scenes but if they were competent enough to do that so quietly I’d expect them to pick a higher impact target.

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