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In a similar vein, systems like openrc use "shell scripts" as well, but can generally be written declaratively[1]. This provides greater flexibility when it comes to creating one-shot services or services that require a little setup before running, as you can just re-define the start() function, rather than requiring one to make a separate shell script for it, or dependency tree, like you'd have to in systemd land.

"sysvinit" is an ill-defined concept, anyway, as every distribution had their own scripts and tooling around actual services, and sysvinit was generally only responsible for starting getty and launching the distribution's actual service system. How initscripts were created and how you managed them depended significantly on the distribution.

[1]: https://gitweb.gentoo.org/repo/gentoo.git/tree/net-vpn/tails...

Debian's sysvinit scripts can also be declarative. https://github.com/DanielAdolfsson/ndppd/blob/master/ndppd-i...

The full system also cares about dependencies and parallel running. And this is not recent, but the black legend will never die.

Bonus: by having the shipped scripts under /etc, tools like etckeeper can show your changes as well as updates, all in one place.

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