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Wow. This is really beautiful? Can the code be customized to other spacecraft? I made a tracker for starlink satellites but think your visualization is much nicer.


Yes absolutely - I'm also using satellite.js so anything with a TLE available could be visualised. I'll have a think about how I could fit that in the UI.

Hey there-- thank you for putting this together!

I am an educator who has done a bunch of stuff with space; we hosted a contact between our students and an astronaut on the International Space Station in 2021 and are looking to do it again. There's this commercial software to run on a Pi in an office, iss-above, that cycles between a few different things (2D orbit visualization, live video, pictures of the current astronauts aboard and mission patch, etc.) We've used them in our library and office to promote interest in the event.

I'm interested/eager to work together on how to improve this so that schools doing space things can have something turnkey for this purpose. It would also be cool to get the "footprint" on here and be able to have it auto-cycle between different views, along with future visible pass predictions. I have a bunch of code around somewhere to do a lot of these thigns if you have interest.

(Have you seen the ISS visualizer from Heavens-Above-- https://www.heavens-above.com/ISS_3D.aspx?lat=0&lng=0&loc=Un... )?

(Also, my high school students are launching a satellite to space in late 2025, and being able to do it for our satellite/our telemetry display/our recent pictures would be pretty cool).

Hey - this sounds really interesting and I'd love to work on making this more useful for schools. Do you mind dropping me an email or a Twitter DM with more info? They're both in my profile

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