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Show HN: Finance Monitor – open-source finance aggregator (github.com/david-oconnor)
2 points by the__alchemist 16 days ago | hide | past | favorite
This open source web app aggregates accounts, and displays their balances, transactions, and trends in one place. I started building it ~2 months ago after learning Mint.com was shutting down. I used Mint mainly as an aggregator, to view all account values together, and inspect transaction history without logging into each account separately. I realized I could replicate this functionality by using Plaid’s API.

Tech stack: - Django backend - Postgres database - HTML + CSS + JS frontend.

I may integrate typescript, but am skipping it for now to eschew the build step and associated config.

There are other uses people have for Mint, like budgeting, which I don’t use personally. I didn’t put much work into them, but may if I get enough feedback.

I’m open to any and all feedback, contributions, and critique. (Here, Github etc) There's also a hosted / fully-working one deployed: https://www.finance-monitor.com/

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