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Boston radio pirate faces $600k fine for staying on air even after earlier fines (universalhub.com)
4 points by ilamont 37 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

Kinda the definition of pirate.

There's a reason they are pirates. Sometimes is philosophical. Sometimes, it's the barrier erected by the FCC so only the rich can have a radio station.

Here's an idea! Give him a license. Problem solved.

Or sell him a heavily discounted license for lower power usage and allocate him as a low power site on that freq. I know they won't give anything away. They would have to first create the concept, rules and laws around this type of allocation. Not holding my breath

What's interesting to me is they started fining him in 2004 and just now ramped things up. 20 years... That's wild. As someone that has operated outside of the FCC laws and had an FCC officer sitting next to me while I was doing it I am surprised it took them this long. They usually just ignore it if the person is not interfering with anything as they have bigger fish to fry. It would be interesting to me to see a non boiler-plate non-PR comment from them.

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