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I've messed with a few. I really like Apache Echarts if you're looking for an all-in-one-can-do-anything solution with a good license. The downsides are that the docs can sometimes be a little obtuse. There are adapters for almost every front-end at this point.

Nivo is a much simpler system that is styled by default and works much easier with React. If you're not doing complicated charts, it's my goto for the "I just want a nice line/pie/bar chart".

I've been using Echarts for quite a while now and I really like it. You can see how I am using them at https://devboard.gitsense.com/ollama

I also agree that the doc can be a little obtuse, but with examples + stackoverflow, you can figure things out.

We've been using ECharts for many years now and it's great. Built some of our own overlays to create the charting json.

Highcharts was something we originally were going to use but it's just too pricey.

Unfortunately some of the examples[0,1] seem to lag quite a bit on Firefox with larger screens.

[0]: https://echarts.apache.org/examples/en/editor.html?c=area-st...

[1]: https://echarts.apache.org/examples/en/editor.html?c=line-aq...

+1 to echarts: While it can be more complex to start than the others, it remains fairly simple for the default graphs while providing enough flexibility to do pretty much anything.

Echarts isn’t hard to set up anymore now that GPT-4 takes care of the complexity.

Charts that used to take me days to set up and data-wrangle now only take minutes.

I suppose this applies to other libraries but I like echarts.

Can you share some of your prompts that you have used?

‘Using echarts and provided DATA, demonstrate how to convert a table of rows such that the “value” is aggregated and shown on a bar chart as the sum of all “values” for each “timestamp”

DATA: {json array}’

Dumping your data into the context window tends to help specify the task and focus the AI on the data structures to use.

I just tried nivo in my last react project and eventually had to reinstall echarts-for-react since most of my charts have 2+ vertical axises with different scales and it's not supported in nivo (I read there is a hack with stacking multiple charts on top of each other, but in echarts it's just a 1 line option).

I've been using echarts for 5+ years and I've yet to encounter a chart I couldn't make exactly like I needed.

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