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Measure your medication against your symptoms for ADHD (moodmap.app)
3 points by Hewlberno 36 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment

Hey everyone!

Michael from Moodmap here.

ADHD can be measured to some degree with the QB test https://adhdtest.moodmap.app/qbtest.html .

It can be measured far better with newer research, in ways that are more ecologically valid.


And the pharmacodynamics (PK/PD) of the drugs that impact ADHD can be measured against those symptoms.


I was working on this when I first got diagnosed with ADHD, ASD and C-PTSD around 2 years ago. I took a break from the project while dealing with some personal stuff, and honestly just getting distracted and taking too much LSD, and learning a lot about hypnotherapy.

I'm back because - nothing has really been done to really properly validate these categorical illnesses and the drugs we use to maintain our mental wellness, as opposed to bandaids we don't understand to treat mental illness.

Looking to get some feedback, and really understand how these bloody drugs piercing my blood brain barrier WORK!

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