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> I'm writing my own blog software for various reasons [1], including my desire to post less to social media. As much as possible I'm trying to reuse the build system for the rest of the site, including the template.

After I finished Crafting Interpreters, I took the build system I wrote for that and wrote a static site generator for my blog using it. It's so much better than what I was using before (Jekyll). The performance is literally 100x faster. It produces exactly the output I want.

I realize "write your own static site generator" isn't the right answer for lots of people, but given how much existing technology you already have for your main site, Amit, I bet it's definitely the right answer for you.

Hi there, long time.

I'm a big believer in crafting whatever you personally need, whether interpreters or generators.

In the early days of the World Wide Web I wrote a static site generator using makefiles. Because there was nothing ready-made for that.

As "make" is intended to track changes and only update when dependencies have changed, it was very fast on the computers at that time (that we'd call slow now).

That's great to hear! Thanks!

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