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Do Not Try to Upgrade to Ubuntu 24.04 LTS at This Time (linuxiac.com)
5 points by neitsab 17 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

According to the article, these are the issues.



It looks like snap related. I wonder when Canonical give up on snap. Is this a NIH syndrome? They reinvented the wheel(package manager) and failed miserably.

Debian has dpkg/apt and the upgrade process has long history of smoothly done. Now they add another half-baked package manager that need to be tended carefully. Extra software is extra burden of maintenance.

Based upon the bug reports you sited it actually seems to be apt related.

Is it really an apt bug? It looks like they move some packages from apt to snap, and misconfigured dependency. That's beyond the design assumption of apt. Also, what ultimately failed is snapd.

“apt can struggle with ordering when handling the massive Y2028 time_t transition when upgrading to Ubuntu 24.04 LTS.

It was identified that dropping the libglib2.0-0 transitional package can help apt do things in the correct order.”

Sounds like an apt ordering issue which has been worked around by dropping a package which was causing it to incorrectly order. The failure of snapd was a symptom caused by the error in apt.

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