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You shouldn't need asdf to work with JVM stuff. I would suggest learning how to use SDKMAN: https://sdkman.io/

It will manage the JDK for you. Usage is basically this:

   # Install a JDK, that version is now default
   sdk install java <version>
   # Another one, it asks if you want to change the default
   sdk install java <another-version>
   # List available and installed versions
   sdk list java
   # Change which one you're using in this shell
   sdk use java <version>
That's all.

You can also manage Gradle/Maven installations with SDKMAN, but that's not necessary, usually, because most JVM projects include a "wrapper" script which downloads the needed Maven/Gradle version for you.

This works regardless of whether your project also needs Kotlin/Groovy etc. as those are just managed by Gradle/Maven (the only exception I can think of is if you use Kotlin Multiplatform as that will depend on the platform dependencies as well).

So once you know SDKMAN, you can manage any JVM-based project with just this:

    sdk use java <jdk-version-used-by-project>
    ./gradlew build # or ./mvnw package
If you need to do anything else, you should complain to the project authors as this is really all you should need!

> If you need to do anything else, you should complain to the project authors as this is really all you should need!

Sure. But you might need node for some front end build tool, or a language server for sql. Then you can use two version managers, or just asdf.

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