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> Why would I want/need this?

always, golang is overly opinionated regarding where modules and binaries are stored. I don't like that and I've blown my local development environment into pieces because of that (looking at you GRPC, yikes)

But also, imagine that you, like me, need to test Python, Java+Kotlin+Gradle and NodeJS+Angular stuff. Do you really want to install _all that_ natively ? Just for a couple of merge reviews, and even if not, do you _really_ want to install all that natively ? The answer is always, IMHO, a resounding and clear no.

> It was a Visual Basic 6 program, so I just took two half days going through every EXE & DLL related to Windows and VB, eventually finding the difference. Tedious but not rocket science. Is it to avoid these cases?

For example, but also much worst, as mentioned in the OP it's to prevent the very real possibility of crippling your OS's language runtimes and also to stay productive.

IMHO the solution for the problem of devs in the same company having different environments is not Adsf and its competitors like Mise, but things like Nix/Guix and Docker.

At work, because everyone uses Mac, we ended up using Kandji to achieve the same thing: everyone has the same tools and environments, but that is only if you already have to use that due to security audits and stuff like that.

If I had a small company myself I would probably setup everything with Guix as I really like the way it works, more than Nix (though only because I prefer Lisp config files and because Guix doesn't suffer from any polemics like the flake soap opera).

I just use small VMs. I use Vim as my code editor and just ssh into it. No difference, latency wise. if I was on Linux, I'd use LXC containers.

If you had trouble with gRPC and Go combo, you might find the way it is integrated in C# a breath of fresh air.


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