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A plastic surgeon is a legitimate business. How on earth would a business like that promote its site and gain visitors? By paying exuberant fees on keyword auctions on AdWords? It's way more affordable to just pay a PR firm, or a SEO company to publish an advertorial on a news site. And no, not all companies that sell SEO are spammers. Grow up, please.

Some of you guys need to get your heads out of your butts and realize how the real world works. It's not just black and white all the time.

Personally I don't think for-profit surgery, or for-profit medicine generally, is a legitimate business. It might open up as a possibility when every person has access to the medical care they need, but that seems far off.

Email spam is cheaper than news paper adverts, does that make it "legitimate"? Because that seems to be your argument here.

Personally I don't think for-profit surgery, or for-profit medicine generally, is a legitimate business.

Sorry, but I'm not willing to have this discussion. As I said, you'd better grow up and face the realities of the world you live in.

Why did you start it then? A lack of self control?

>A plastic surgeon is a legitimate business.

At this point, the argument has lost good faith.

ADDENDUM: for comprehension, not plastic surgeons.

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