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> Those companies employ ill-adjusted individuals that do nothing else than look for the most recent techniques to fingerprint browsers [...] When normal people are out drinking beers in the pub on Friday night, these individuals invent increasingly bizarre ways to fingerprint browsers and detect bots ;)

What's the deal with "ill-adjusted" and "normal people"? I'm gonna say it right now, the reason why these individuals do this is because it's way more interesting and fun than building some bullshit React website for some boring business for the 20th time (this is just an example, not attacking React here, no need to freak out)

It's fun because you get to solve an actual real-world challenge and find new ways to do something. Same with things like developing exploits. Those who do this are not "ill-adjusted", they are in fact normal people that do what they are passionate about.

The whole mentality of "anyone who does something I don't like is ill-adjusted" is just absolutely insane.

That entire paragraph is a joke. That’s why there is a little wink at the end.

It's not clear if it's a joke specifically because of the addition of "ill-adjusted"

That is the joke. It’s hyperbole.

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