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Quantum AI running self driving cars in the blockchain cloud, social VR controlled. Experience our agile experience powered with renewable big data. Gamifying the digital transformation of tomorrow!

I'm aware I'm replying to a comment that doesn't add anything substantive to this conversation, but the quantum AI lab is very serious research effort https://quantumai.google/research.

Okay team, when can we supercharge this?

Let's add some more people and do it in half the time.

It's all about finding a balance.

And pushing the envelope, while paying close attention to identifying the pain points.

careful with that envelope its all crinkly now !

We’ll need to circle back

Don’t forget the tracking and ads!

Of course, how can you possibly raise awareness without an ad campaign!

The synergy is off the charts!

Sounds great, but we need Web3 in there! Or are we already onto Web4 or 5?

What's old is new again: The Return of the Turbo-encabulator!

Green and diverse. You forgot green and diverse. Also youth.

All of these provide synergy.

When I hear input like this I get excited by our emerging talent, going forward we should be prepared to leverage this.

so what learning were learnt for this lesson?

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