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Another issue I take with the RISC-V spec is it relies on a common understanding of technical terms without actually defining them precisely anywhere.

To take one example it never defines what an interrupt is and more broadly never defines terminology around exceptions. Contrast to the arm ISA which precisely describes what it means by asynchronous Vs synchronous, precise Vs imprecise etc (see section D3-1 in https://developer.arm.com/documentation/ddi0487/latest/).

The original authors may see this as a virtue, the small size of the RISC-V ISA manuals Vs Arm was portrayed as a great benefit but in part that size is because it's missing lots of stuff like this that I view as highly important for a specification.

Yeah I completely agree. Especially annoying if RISC-V is the first ISA you've learnt which is probably the case for a lot of people.

I don't think you meant D3-1 btw.

Ah yes I meant D1-3!

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