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Google is selling surveillance not ads. Getting a static ad just like a magazine would be the natural fit for such a website.

Bonus question: ads with tracking cost X, ads without cost Y. In actual numbers tell me how much more X is worth. 2Y, 10Y, 100Y? (There are studies on this)

Wouldn't the surveillance work just fine on that site?

Also my memory suggests 3x. But I'll go check.

Top result says 2.6x from ftc.gov but is from last decade.

Another result says "Targeted ads are twice more effective as non-targeted ads, and retargeted display ads encourage 1000 percent more people to search for a product." In response to that, I will note that even if google could not discern the site content at all, that would only affect targeting and not retargeting. So that suggests 2x at most in this situation.

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