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Is there a conference you would suggest that is the closest to scraping, generally speaking? As far as I know there isn't a scraping conference or strong community anywhere, and I'd like to learn and improve my skills.

The scientific aspects (algorithms, incl. implementations, performance evaluation) of Web crawling (including focused crawling) is covered by conferences like WWW, ACM SIGIR, BCS ECIR, ACM WSDM and ACM CIKM.

But you may refer to informal MeetUps or trade fairs; if so, google "Web Data Extraction Summit", "OxyCon Web Scraping Conference", "ScrapeCon 2024" (all past) or the forthcoming: https://www.ipxo.com/events/web-data-extraction-summit-2024/

The edge that every web scraper has is the knowledge they possess. In my opinion, conference presentations are usually too generalized or geared towards pitching services related to web scraping solutions.

There are some communities you can find in Discord, Telegram and most professional web scrapers are pretty active in LinkedIn and Twitter. The fun communities are in fact small groups of people with shared values and interests.

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