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Legal age of drinking is arbitrary and people accept it.

Hell, even legal age of consent is arbitrary (please don't argue this -- if it's not it won't vary across developed countries).

The absolute majority of legal lines we drew are arbitrary.

> Legal age of drinking is arbitrary and people accept it.

Do they? I thought it was ignored everywhere.

I think it’d be more accurate to say “imprecise” rather than “arbitrary.” For example, the legal drinking age is set to 21 (or whatever) based on politicians’ estimation of when most people are mature enough to handle the consequences. It’s true that there is no way to exactly specify a perfect age limit, but that doesn’t mean the limit was set randomly without any reason or basis, i.e., arbitrarily. Sorry if I’m being too pedantic; it’s just one of those nights I suppose.

If that's your definition of arbitrary versus imprecise then a company size limit is also imprecise.

> estimation of when most people are mature enough to handle the consequences.

This is bullshit. 18 is when consequences start, because that’s when you’re treated as an adult by the legal system.

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