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> I did a big remodel recently, I had a bunch of perfectly good hardware, an entire kitchen of appliances, cabinets, etc, and such items.

Put them outside by the curb. If it's usable, it'll get picked up. Certainly working (and non-working) appliances would.

Put it out by the curb with a $10 sign on it. Someone will steal it within the hour. Easiest way to get rid of stuff. Worst case scenario someone gives you 10 bucks for it. No one wants free stuff but if it has any value associated people will want it.

Fortunately / unfortunately I'm in a isolated little development, if my neighbors don't want it that's kinda the end of the story as they're also the only folks who will see it on the curb ;)

Facebook marketplace. For all the shit this site throws at Facebook, marketplace is an amazing place to recycle items for actual human use.

even craigslist free still sees tremendous traffic

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