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CMU or UPenn for CS Undergrad?
1 point by collegedecider 15 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments
I got into both but I'm really confused on which school to pick. I'm not really sure about what I want to do with my career. I would like to work on some of the startup ideas that I have or maybe work in finance/AI space. UPenn:

+ Possible double degree with Wharton

+ Less stressful/more social life?

+ More prestige in VC/business world?


+ Better professors for CS/Better CS Education

+ More CS Prestige (#1 for CS)

- Stress culture

Would I miss out on any CS opportunities (jobs, interships, startup opportunities) by going to UPenn instead of CMU?

I feel that it practically doesn't matter where you go for CS undergrad, especially if you're choosing between two schools that are commonly known to be great. CS undergrad, apart from a few courses at the tail end of your degree, is mostly cookie-cutter, you're not gonna be learning anything different if you go to a different school, and chances are you'll mostly be doing self-study anyway.

I would personally choose Penn in your position because my guess is that more non-CS people have heard of it and know it's a top school, and like it or not that kind of name recognition does help you out in various things.

Unless you test very high in your field, avoid a school having a great reputation in that field.

Nothing worse than entering physics class on day 1 and realizing that you're seated between Albert Einstein and Paul Dirac.

Good state universities have both excellent pools of students AND room for others. Go to UPenn and study business.

Why would it be bad to be seated between Einstein and Dirac, and not be Neils Bohr? You'd be 3rd in your class not 1st, but if you're not #1 or #2 that works out fine as well.

Thanks for the input! I was leaning towards Penn bc its more interdisciplinary anyways!

Fwiw I really disliked CMU while I was there for its stratification. Get some education outside of CS as well!

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