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You can probably use ChatGPT to generate SVGs from a description of what you want. Like stable diffusion for simple vector graphics. Maybe even animations.

Haven’t yet done it myself and can’t verify right now, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it worked well to brainstorm a favicon or some other symbol.

ChatGPT does not have the strong understanding of the connection between ideas and 2D/3D space to draw anything with SVG. It’s limitations in this regard are quite apparent, I don’t think it could even draw a smiley face.

Won’t help for tweaking a logo for an app or adjusting a diagram for a presentation. AI generated images do not have direct control. It’s like trying to do tech support with an elderly relative over the phone.

or you could just use a program you learn once, which works anytime, anywhere, for free.

ill choose the one that i cant get vendor locked out of, or that gives me a different result tomorrow than it does today.

I have done it, generating a circle with symbols around it, it took a surprising amount of work to get what I wanted.

Works well enough for simple shapes, but there's already such a huge amount of free resources (iconbuddy.app) and for paid, I just use a subscription to vectorstock and Illustrator. I don't ever find the need to use ChatGPT. I use ChatGPT for doing stuff like setting up complex gradient animations or filters in SVGs and that works quite well.

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