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I don’t think there would be anything to host, it’s probably just a static front end app. (On phone so can’t verify.)

From the terms of service: “You agree not to reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, resell or exploit any portion of the Service, use of the Service, or access to the Service without SVGViewer's express written permission.” (https://www.svgviewer.dev/terms)

Apart from that, they let you store and share SVGs on their servers, so it’s not purely client-side.

Good thing this doesn't apply to fair use, which allows you to have an offline copy for yourself (assuming it isn't for commercial purposes, and you can make your own offline copy).

Even if it were a plain HTML page, or a simple, single-file Javascript web app, that could either be hosted on a remote server that you don't control (as this is), or can be downloaded and hosted on your own computer or server allowing you to modify it.

And although that sort of thing would mean you can just download it straight from where it's being hosted from a technical point of view (for things where there isn't any backend or hidden logic in code at all) there's still the legal question as shown in logic8's comment.

I didn’t mean it’s a bad question, I just assumed they thought there was a server process involved. But yeah you can self-host a static JS app easily, or put it on GitHub Pages or whatever, if you’re worried about it going offline.

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