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Another web-based SVG tool I use regularly is https://jakearchibald.github.io/svgomg/, an extremely configurable optimizer.

I regularly find myself using https://yqnn.github.io/svg-path-editor/ - I wish Inkscape were that intuitive when handling the innards of <path>s, letting you convert between absolute/relative values and so on

I use the same tool a lot for the exact same reason. Really wish the 'mainstream' desktop SVG editors had this level of control of path data.

> I use the same tool a lot for the exact same reason. Really wish the 'mainstream' desktop SVG editors had this level of control of path data.

Inkscape is open source, file a feature request?

Ah and it shows the grid and snaps to it, this is really great!

I'll add one of my favorite SVG tools... a tool to crop SVGs. Sometimes the SVG has a wide border around it or something funky that makes dealing with centering it difficult. This tool just crops it to the visible elements:


Very handy, thank you. I'm always having to do this manually for icons.

Thanks, bookmarked. Have needed this in past but fixed manually.

Does is translate the element or actually redraw it?

It calculates the minimal bounding box that encompasses all visible elements within the SVG and crops.

I'm not really sure what use case this solves.

I use this tool to prepare collections of SVG symbols: https://daveknispel.github.io/svg2use/

You might also find Boxy SVG useful as it has built-in support for symbol-based icon sprites: https://boxy-svg.com/#demo-symbols

Surprised this is being discussed here. It's worth noting that SVGOMG runs SVGO 3.0.0 while the latest version is 3.2.0 (so run SVGO locally for the latest optimizations), but I understand that once https://github.com/svg/svgo/pull/1943 is merged Jake will release an updated version of SVGOMG.

Yes, that is permanently open when I am working with SVGs.

I've had this one in my bookmaeks as well for more than 5 years :)

Worth noting it deems itself "SVGOs missing GUI" (and does a splendid job at that). If one needs to batch process files or sth like that, svgo's CLI is still there.

Props to Jake Archibald!

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