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Sure, you can do whatever you like. Cut the connection if you don't like it. But I can do whatever I like too - read the data that your machine sent me, for example. If your machine sends my machine data it's IMHO reasonable to expect that you don't care about me having it unless we agreed otherwise. But in many countries ToS is not considered a legal contract at all - just having it on your site somewhere is not enough. Sometimes not even having users check the ToS checkmark would form a valid contract.

There are many kinds of data that can't be owned at all. Actually it's the other way around - there is a very small subset of data that can be owned. You can try to cover it under some kind of a non-disclosure clause in a contract, but again - a contract would have to exist.


What I'm saying is - your machine is fully capable of providing just the right amount of data to fulfill your purposes. If you don't like people taking it all, don't build a machine that gives it to them at 1 Gb/s. Stuff about some ToS or rights or IP ownership is just noise.

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