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Black 'spiders' spotted in mysterious City on Mars in new satellite photos (livescience.com)
8 points by Brajeshwar 4 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

Looks like shots from a sci-fi horror movie. I wonder what we’ll find out when humanity eventually makes it to mars. If my Futurama watching history predicts anything, is that the martians won’t have a concept of property. Thus the colonization of America happens yet again …

I guess "Black dirt spewed out by sublimation of ice makes spider-like patterns on Mars surface" just doesn't have the same ring to it as a headline, huh.

The mechanisms of the observations are interesting; the grabby headlines, however, are tiring, and the associated visitor engagement as seen in many comments is so off-putting it makes me depressed.

Saving you a click from this click bait article: Every spring, creepy black 'spiders' sprout up on Mars as buried carbon dioxide ice releases dusty geysers of gas. New ESA images show the phenomenon has begun in the strange Inca City formation.

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