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I've been using Llama 3 8B locally with Ollama since it was launched mostly for coding and other technical work. It's really great - I don't miss ChatGPT at all. Admittedly I didn't have the pro subscription, but Llama 3 is as good as the free version if not better.

I wish I was having such results. GPT seems like the only option up to date / looks up docs.

> 1-2y old really kills you on modern front end development tooling

do you use the command line with ollama? I find formatting prompts a pain there.

I usually use the LLM CLI(1) or the Raycast Ollama extension (2). The first one works well enough for when I have to paste multiple lines.

1. https://github.com/simonw/llm?tab=readme-ov-file

2. https://www.raycast.com/massimiliano_pasquini/raycast-ollama

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