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Virtually every telephone device in use today, has the ability to change the phone ringtone, its volume, or mute it.

You're literally complaining about your own inability to manage the devices you own.

If there is any violence here, it's you. You with an active phone number, misconfigurating it, then blathering on about the results to others.

You can rest assured that my phones are well managed. As well as phones can possibly be managed. Their volumes are set to zero, they are muted and their ringtones are explicity set to silence on top of that.

Disabling calls altogether can't be done. You bet I looked for that knob. Calls are literally baked into the OS. I even asked the phone company to turn off calling. Nope. So I have to live with constant useless annoying notifications that some bot is trying to call me whenever I'm actively using my phone. Welp. At least I managed to turn off voice mail. That was an especially horrible advertising vector.

Only reason I even have active phone numbers is WhatsApp. Technically, I only need SMS for the verification codes. Explaining that to the phone company is futile though.

Anyway, this only fixes part of the problem. Every other person in my life carries a phone with them. Older folks even have landlines. All those phones ring. A lot.

I don't generally make a habit of "configurating" other people's phones, for obvious reasons. I've tried convince them. It didn't work. They're OK with being routinely woken up by useless phone calls every single day because someone somewhere might one day need to call them on that phone to relay important news or something. It has a visible, measurable impact on their quality of life but they refuse to get rid of the phone. I think that's incredibly inhumane but it can't be helped.

Your main issue is that other people receive annoying phone calls yet are unwilling to take simple steps to address the problem?

That's part of it, yes. Also the fact that existing software was apparently built with the assumption that you always want to receive calls, that they are important, so important they can't be disabled or ignored.

More fundamentally, I have a problem with interrupting synchronous communication, and especially the cultural acceptance of it. As I noted in my original comment.

>> the expectation you can immediately and synchronously interrupt any person and demand their full attention

> Needs to end as soon as possible.

What can you do if you don't want to block unknown numbers, e.g. you get a call from a hospital about your injured relative, but you have blocked all unknown numbers

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