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I'm in the same boat. Here's my plan.

1. Read Harris, Harris → Digital Design and Computer Architecture. (2022). Elsevier. https://doi.org/10.1016/c2019-0-00213-0

2. Follow the author's RVFpga course to build an actual RISC-V CPU on an FPGA → https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ePv3xD3ZmnY

Love the Harris and Harris book!

I might add these:

- Computer Architecture, Fifth Edition: A Quantitative Approach - https://dl.acm.org/doi/book/10.5555/1999263

- Computer Organization and Design RISC-V Edition: The Hardware Software Interface - https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.5555/3153875

both by Patterson and Hennessy

Edit: And if you want to get into CPU design and can get a grip on "Advanced Computer Architecture: Parallelism, Scalability, Programmability" by Kai Hwang, then i'd recommend that too. It's super old and probably some things are made differently in newer CPUs, but it's exceptionally good to learn the fundamentals. Very well written. But I think it's hard to find a good (physical) copy.

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