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The Analytical Language of John Wilkins (wikipedia.org)
37 points by benbreen 9 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 8 comments

Great story. Wilkins and his language also feature in Stephenson’s “System of the World” books. The excellent book “In the land of invented languages” by Arika Okrent dedicates chapter 2 to Wilkins. I should point out, I didn’t go seeking information about Wilkins, but his language just seems to come up randomly for me.

Okrent’s book also has excellent introductions to Esperanto and Lojban. Lojban is a modern attempt to create a language without ambiguity. That turns out to be hard…speaking takes on some of the characteristics of writing a mathematical proof.

> Stephenson’s “System of the World” books

Minor nit: “System of the World” is the third novel in the Baroque Cycle, after Quicksilver and The Confusion.

I really enjoyed these books for the SF world-building perspective on the emergence in the 17th Century of modern science and finance, global trade, communications, etc. Many of the normal comments on Stephenson’s writing style apply, YMMV.

+1 to "In the land of invented languages". We read it in a conlang'ing class that I took in college and it was a solid read.

Guess I should look into this...

After reading _Quicksilver_ I began to wonder if a Universal Language, as conceived by Wilkins, could have an extremely powerful effect on the "thought patterns" one might instruct an LLM to use when responding to a specific prompt.

Sapir-Whorf[0] but for computers?

[0] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linguistic_relativity

Borges's short stories are almost perfect nuggets for computer scientists, seemingly covering such topics as recursion (Garden of Forking Paths), the consequences of infinite memory (Funes), complexity theory (Library of Babel), virtualization (Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius), and so on.

This is not Newton's former roommate, btw.

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