This exactly. We are basically giving them the keys to our culture. Especially since half the US was successfully convinced to write off their own freedom of press, which is one of the most fucking ridiculous things about it. We have the resources and freedom of our own press, guaranteed by the First Amendment. And ppl are bitching and moaning about a half-baked snapchat knockoff, with endless meme scroll animation. Half the US doesn't even realize they are using a CCP mandated and owned media outlet to rely on algorithmic digital chaos, which serves themselves to an echo of the past, and mistake it for future. We are literally watching another country manipulate policy in the house and senate live. There's no mistaking about it; we are being fucked with deliberately. Again, this isn't easy to see because it's been escalating gradually the past decade. However, if you follow the court cases, and occasionally listen to ongoing judicial and intelligence congressional hearings, they bring this up constantly. Make no mistake, American social media corps also need to be held accountable too. Americans have the right to assemble, even online. However, I don't think we should be letting Russia or China choose the platform. Again, we should only allow foreign investment from allied nations. THis shit with oligarchies and CCP controlled affiliates owning and getting on boards of disney, lucid, tesla, activation (blizzard), reddit, etc is just as fucked up.