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> I’m way better informed since I started using it.

I'm legitimately terrified to know what this means.

Presumably it means they base their opinions of Gaza on videos of what's actually happening there rather than on propaganda statements by the IDF.

I've found way more false news and stuff on TikTok than anywhere else, even about innocuous things and not something serious like a war. It's taken on the form of modern day chain mails in the way it spreads lies, with the participants being the most invested. They all think they're doing citizen journalism yet most of them verify nothing.

Let me not even get started on the deep fakes lurking on the platform.

Not only is there more false info on Tiktok, the user comes away with high certainty they are being reliably informed. Because accounts popular on Tiktok focus strictly on presentation and entertainment, not anything actual journalists prioritize.

The effect is less informed with higher certainty, and terrible combination for training citizens for actual civil discourse.

"Jews control the media" isn't an opinion worth debating. Move on

It's less that and more brown people aren't humanized, so media is too skittish to call a spade a spade.

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