It’s unfortunate you are being downvoted. Porn is very harmful indeed. I can’t think of any benefit in it being normalised. Maybe the defence of porn is motivated by the fact that other violent forms of expression have already been normalised. But I don’t see how that takes away from the dangers, access to porn presents for significant numbers of young men.
People who express themselves through the creation of panoramic material can find their efforts using crypto anyway.
Studies purporting the harms of porn do not replicate, do not hold up to meta analysis, are not validated by ANY real world outcomes (sexual violence, teen pregnancies, etc. are all down, not up, in countries with access to porn) and are propped up by the religions puritans and radical feminists responsible for this renewed worldwide chilling of sexual expression.
Media effects broadly do not exist. The printing press did not cause any of its purported harms, nor did rock and roll, nor MTV. And whatever the next big thing is (VR?) will suffer the same baseless accusations supported by nothing but ideologically-driven cargo cult science.
People who express themselves through the creation of panoramic material can find their efforts using crypto anyway.