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Given a Branded / Nominal interface, they look about the same usage wise but the branded type disappears at runtime (whether that is a benefit or a detriment depends on your use case):

    type Email = Branded<string, 'email'>

    function Email(maybeEmail: string): Email {
      return maybeEmail;

    function assertIsEmail(value: string): asserts value is Email {
      if(!isEmail(value)) throw TypeError("Not an email");
      return value;

    function isEmail(value: string): value is Email {
      return value.contains("@");

    class Email {
      #email: string;
      public constructor(maybeEmail: string) {
        if(!isEmail(maybeEmail)) throw TypeError("Not an email");
        this.#email = maybeEmail;
      valueOf() {
        return this.#email;

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