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If TikTok is in bed with the CCP as much as Congress says they are, think about the actual cause and effect of their different options.

If ByteDance sells TikTok to US owners to satisfy the requirement, they give up control of a successful platform developed inside of China to a self-declared adversary that already controls most of the world's social media platforms, representing a significant loss to China as they attempt to compete online.

If ByteDance ignores the demand to sell, the US government has obligated itself to prevent its citizens from accessing one of the most popular social media apps in existence, something that the affected users will be extremely angry about, and will likely make claims of state censorship.

If I were China, and my goal was to leverage TikTok to do harm to America, I would choose the option that turns US citizens against the government over the option that transfers power from China to the US.

Isn't the obvious alternative "split TikTok and sell TikTok USA"?

aren't they already split and use different app in China vs US. Interestingly Chinese app's algorithm chooses more STEM videos, while Western version just pushes addictive crap.

> Interestingly Chinese app's algorithm chooses more STEM videos, while Western version just pushes addictive crap.

That's simply a lie. Douyin is full of the same trash as Tiktok.

Tiktok isn't in bed with the CCP, it is the CCP.

China is a communist country. State owned industry. The leash they give business "owners" might be long (long enough to fool westerns it's just another USA), but it is still a leash, and they are still under control of the party. No courts, no rights, no lawsuits. Party wants, party takes.

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